
La Sala, fundraising for a brighter future!

We have a vision of a living room that will change lives—and we want you to be a part of it.  

For the last few years, YWAM Aruba has been working alongside other community changemakers to provide love, friendship, and ministry to women within the San Nicholas sex industry. We’ve seen firsthand how the love of God has impacted this precious—and vulnerable—group of women. 

Now, we have the opportunity to grow the impact of this ministry by establishing a permanent living room in which these women can always feel at home. 

We will call this place “La Sala”. 

Through La Sala, we believe God will bring further restoration to this community of women, providing them with a safe place to receive guidance, friendship, and assistance. 

Most importantly, we will show how the love of God continues to tangibly reach those in need. 

We invite you to prayerfully consider donating to this cause that God has pressed upon our hearts. 

Learn more at ywamaruba.com/lasala/

YWAM Aruba logo 2

YWAM Aruba


Youth With A Mission (YWAM) is een wereldwijde beweging van christenen die zich toewijden om Jezus te laten zien aan deze generatie, het mobiliseren van zoveel mogelijk mensen om bij deze taak te helpen, en het trainen en toerusten van gelovigen voor het vervullen van deze taak, de opdracht van Jezus om de wereld met Hem bekend te maken.

YWAM Aruba heeft een bijzondere roeping richting gezinnen. Onze missie is om Gods liefde in gezinnen te helpen herstellen. Onze visie is gezonde en sterke gezinnen op Aruba en het Caribisch gebied.


Youth With A Mission (YWAM) is a global movement of Christians dedicated to presenting Jesus personally to this generation, to mobilizing as many as possible to help in this task, and to the training and equipping of believers for their part in fulfilling the Great Commission.

YWAM Aruba has a special calling towards families. Our mission is to help restore Gods love in families. Our vision is healthy and strong families in Aruba and the Caribbean.

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van € 226.000
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De opbrengst van deze geefactie gaat naar het goede doel:
Project:La Sala


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Aan wie wil je doneren?
Erik de Kievit
Erik de Kievit

€ 7.438 opgehaald

Geen profielfoto
Huntukunos Kock

€ 2.150 opgehaald