Rawaa Kilani

Help stray animals


Our registered charity catconnect.nl - animals syria exists to rescue animals in war-torn syria, we work with abused and injured animals, organize spay/neuter campaigns, enable international adoption of syrian animals, feed colonies of feral cats, we provide specialized medications otherwise unavailable locally, among many other services.

the continuity of our work depends on your generous donations, aside from our routine work, we are currently treating a cat hit by a car, and another that lost her arm after being dragged by a rope behind a motorcycle, and a dog severely affected by a failed neutering surgery, all three require veterinary care in clinics in neighboring lebanon which is quite expensive.

please donate to help transform the lives of countless syrian animals. 🐶🐱


We have some amazing transformations, the latest one is Anbar, found on the street, sick and deaf, we took him to 3 vets till he got the medical treatment he needed. Now temporarily living in a foster home with a dog and 20 other cats.

Thanks to recent donations to our foundation and the effort of sharing his story on facebook, we managed to find him a forever home in Belguim where he will be going soon.

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Wij bieden met name hulp aan verwaarloosde en kansarme katten in Syrië.
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€ 23.198 opgehaald Het totaalbedrag wordt elke 10 minuten bijgewerkt. Heb je zojuist gedoneerd? Dan kan het kan zo zijn dat je donatie nog niet is opgeteld bij het totaalbedrag. Geen zorgen, het komt vanzelf goed!



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Rawaa Kilani
Rawaa Kilani

€ 23.198,47 opgehaald