CRO W&R Rabobank

Fun Run Oct. 6, 2024 in Utrecht for Habitat for Humanity

Sunday, October 6th 2024, UtrechtSingelloop Utrecht, 5 or 10 KM run

Habitat’s vision is a world where everyone has a decent place to live. Habitat for Humanity Nederland has supported many projects around the globe over the past 30 years, from adapted housing for children with disabilities in Uganda and climate-smart housing in Cambodia to creating jobs for youth in the construction sector in Kenya, supporting earthquake recovery in Haiti and Nepal, and providing safe shelter for refugees from Ukraine. The organization engages in a variety of initiatives to provide the most vulnerable families with safe and decent housing, running water and proper sanitation, recognizing the broader effects of housing in areas such as health, livelihoods and education. In FY22, Habitat Nederland supported 5,389 people per month on average.

In the Netherlands, Habitat seeks to inform and educate as many people as possible about the global housing crisis and our own work. We involve supporters in global work, motivate them to raise funds for Habitat’s international programs and mobilize them to support our cause. 


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