
Covid-19 Emergency Statelessness Fund



 If someone offered you invisibility as a superpower, would you take it?

Sounds good in theory, doing what you want… when you want… how you want… but what if the cost of this power is once invisible, society will be forever blind to you?

COVID-19 has affected us all, the constant fear of illness, the separation from loved ones and the significant changes to the way of life. It has been an incredibly tough year.

Consider for a moment however all the things you have had to deal with over the last nine months, but in a context where

  • the country you live in does not recognize your existence;
  • you are denied emergency relief;
  • you do not have access to any public healthcare;
  • you lose your income, are unable to provide for your family and subsequently lose your home;
  • worse still, your community is blamed for the spread of the virus.

These are just some of the consequences stateless people are facing as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, due to the pre-existing structural barriers in place to discriminate and exclude them from society, and increase their vulnerability to hate speech and targeted attacks.

Not long after the pandemic hit, we knew we had to step up and do something. We fundraised for and set up the COVID-19 Emergency Statelessness Fund (CESF). The CESF is designed to channel resources to strengthen the capacities of and work in partnership with NGOs and activists at the frontline of the crisis to implement research-based action advocacy. The fund also allows for stop-gap humanitarian relief in cases where urgent needs are identified with no other avenues for relief. The CESF further established an international Consortium of partners collaborating in their COVID-19 responses which provides opportunities for peer learning and advocacy.

Through the CESF, our partners and us are working to address the structural discrimination endured by stateless people in many countries around the world, including Malaysia, Nepal, Bangladesh, Kenya, Montenegro and the Dominican Republic. Where necessary, our partners are also stepping in to provide much needed humanitarian relief, though our main priority is to pursue lasting change.

In reality, invisibility is no superpower and the CESF is making this invisible issue visible and pushing for greater action to address it.

This campaign is targeted to support and magnify the work of those working in extremely difficult contexts to help them achieve a greater impact.

Through your support and donations we can amplify the impact of the CESF and make a long-term sustainable changes to the lives of stateless people around the world.

Thank you so much!



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