Peter Westerlaken

CD Release Party for The Jolly Gents debut CD

The Jolly Gents will release their debut album of twanging, pumping folky goodness via Friendly Folk Records (Aug/2020) and you are invited to the CD RELEASE PARTY!

The party will take place on SUNDAY - 16/AUGUST/2020 from 16:00-18:00 at Poppodium Phoenix, Industriekade 5, 4815 HD Breda. Due to Corona 1,5 distancing, a limited number of tickets are available for this event. €12 per person / €20 for +1 ticket. So, don't delay, get your tickets today. Only 30 seats are available. For questions or special requests, please contact the venue or info@friendlyfolkrecords.org. Get ready for loads of fun when The Jolly Gents hit the stage!

About the Artists: The Jolly Gents, aka: Sjoerd van Ravenzwaaij and Tom van Aarle, are an uptempo Folk banjo and accordion duo from the Netherlands. They met in early 2014 while working on a theatre show for the band ‘Acting the Maggot’, a band that both Artists are current members. During one of the tours of the band, Tom and Sjoerd shared a hotelroom and, as they like to tell the story, ‘a romantic moment was had where notes and keys were put in dubious places’ … so the idea of performing together as a duo was born. After performing under the name ‘Sjoerd & Tom’ for several years, they decided to hit the international market. A new name was needed and with a bit of help, “The Jolly Gents” emerged.

The Jolly Gents duo is a side-project for these talented Artists. You can also enjoy the music and anctics of Tom and Sjoerd in the folk punk rock band ‘Acting The Maggot‘. Sjoerd is also frontman for the Celtic folk rock band, Harmony Glen. Both bands are based in the Netherlands.

MORE ABOUT THE JOLLY GENTS:https://www.facebook.com/TheJollyGents/ 

LIVESTREAM LINK:https://www.facebook.com/poppodiumphoenix/live/

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