
Beledweyn is underwater! Your help is needed more than ever!

Due to the heavy rain of this week and increased the level of Shabelle river was the variety of cities of Hiiran region of Somalia heavy flooded. Those cities are in crisis and thousands of vulnerable people have been affected and displaced.  It was a shocking and horrible moment for the people of those cities especially people in Beledweyn. the whole city is underwater The government has confirmed that around 70,000 people have been displaced so far, with teams on the ground stressing that the number is increasing day-by-day. Almost 11 people were carried away by the flood and not found yet. 10  people who were in rescue boot have passed away. They include officials in the region, diasporas, and youth volunteers.

People In Beledweyn are desperate and in need. There no sufficient food, safe drinking water, hygiene and sanitation facilities, emergency education and temporary shelter. The emergency situation is further compounded for flood-affected people with vulnerabilities. There is a pressing necessity to provide immediate assistance to minimize loss of life and to ensure that the needs of the most vulnerable are covered.

There is a threat now of cholera and other diseases due to a lack of clean water in many areas. Outbreaks of diarrhea and some cases of measles are striking down people, mainly children, elders, disable and pregnant women who are already weakened by hunger. 

Diaspora Groups in different parts of the world are organizing themselves and trying to be part of the emergency response.

HIRDA is a Somali diaspora organization and has been working in Somalia since 1998 to support the vulnerable groups including IDP s in Beledweyn, children, and women with the support of Diaspora groups and its partners.

HIRDA  Calls for mobilization of everyone and anyone who believes in working together towards a better world. Actions, donations, prayers, every little that can be done is welcomed because even little things can go a long way.

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Fatumo farah

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A Abdulwahab

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mamun abdur

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Mahamed Seid

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Fatumo farah

€ 445 opgehaald

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A Abdulwahab

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mamun abdur

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Mahamed Seid

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