
Aloha 24h triathlon for the Arboretum in de Lutte

On the 15th-16th of June 2024 student triathlon association Aloha will organise the 2nd edition of the Aloha 24-hour triathlon relay. The race will start early in the morning on the 15th and consists of 4 hours of swimming, 12 hours of cycling and 8 hours of running. Participation will be in teams of 3 to 8 people, with one team member swimming/cycling/running at any given time. 

The goal of this event is to have a great time with your fellow triathletes and to raise money for charity. This year's charity is Natuurmonumenten, an organization that serves to maintain and protect the natural areas where we as triathletes often train!

Specifically, this year we raise money for Arboretum de Lutte. This 100-year old arboretum contains more than 1000 different kinds of trees, both exotic and local. The park (located about 15km from campus) is maintained by a large amount of volunteers and is freely accessible to anyone who wants to enjoy the beautiful gardens. Definitely worth a visit. Help Natuurmonumenten maintain this place for years to come by raising money!

See also: https://www.natuurmonumenten.nl/natuurgebieden/arboretum-poort-bulten

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Tristan Vlogman

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Nynke Luijten

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Birgit van der Burg
Gebruik kunnen maken van de mooie natuurgebieden van Natuurmonumenten!

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Yasmin Nauta

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Fleur Vialle

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Daan Assies

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