
Community Radio Station

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COMMUNITY RADIO STATION FOR LOWER RIVER REGION AND CENTRAL RIVER REGION RESPECTIVELY BACKGROUND According to the 2003 provisional census report, the population of The Gambia stands at 1,438,145 and is growing at the rate of 4.2 percent per year. The youth, defined as the 13 to 30 years age group, constitute about 47.1 percent of the population. Available data indicates that The Gambia has a youthful population, 71 percent of which is between 0 and 24 years. However, the country has a high infant mortality rate estimated at 92 per 1000 live births. Early pregnancies among young girls constitute a major factor contributing to high mortality. The census data indicates that 5 percent of Gambian girls aged 10 to 24 are married and that for the age groups below 20 the marriage rate is 53 percent. Cultural practices have played some role in encouraging early marriages. This acts as a disincentive to girls' education and participation in economic activities. As a result, they have limited opportunities, compared to young men, to proceed with their education or to access various formal and informal employment avenues. Levels of literacy are equally low in The Gambia though significant strides have been made by the Government to address the issue. It is estimated that more than 50 percent of the population is unable to read and write. Although it is difficult to find data to indicate the level of unemployment among the youth it can be discerned that due to the youthful nature of the population, the youth constitute the majority of the unemployed. In addition, lack of adequate employment opportunities and entrepreneurship skills, training opportunities for school dropouts and out of school youth have equally adversely affected their chances for employment in more lucrative modern sectors. Drug and alcohol use and abuse are also becoming widespread among the youth in The Gambia. Although there are no figures on the prevalence rate of sexually transmitted infections, including HIV/AIDS, among the youth, it is believed that the incidence of both STIs/HIV/AIDS among the youth is increasing. The youths of The Gambia are faced with numerous socio-economic and health problems that retard their development. These factors include: unemployment, HIV/AIDS, Drugs and alcohol use, high level illiteracy, Sexually Transmissible Infections, unemployment and underemployment, early pregnancies and so on. For these problems to be addressed there is the need to be focused and strategic so that we can mobilize all of our resources and capacities. RATIONALE Reading the above introduction, early pregnancies among young girls constitute a major factor contributing to high mortality. This acts as a disincentive to girls' education and participation in economic activities. As a result, they have limited opportunities, compared to young men, to proceed with their education or to access various formal and informal employment avenues. The advent of the community radio stations will avail rural communities particularly the young people the opportunities to valuable information to be able to make informed choices on issues affecting them. The Community Radio Stations will also be used to sensitize youth on drug and alcohol use and abuse which is also becoming widespread among the youth in The Gambia. Although there are no figures on the prevalence rate of sexually transmitted infections, including HIV/AIDS, among the youth, it is believed that the incidence of both STIs/HIV/AIDS among the youth is increasing. JUSTIFICATION The community radio will be located both in the Lower River Region and central River Region Northern Part respectively. These two mentioned areas are rated as the most highly affected in terms of teenage pregnancy, alcohol and drug abuse, illiteracy, unemployment, migration and most particularly lack of access to information. The Community Radios will enable their communities and the young people to fully participate and be aware of their civic rights and responsibilities in national development. It will also give them the opportunities to interact and discuss pertinent issues that affect their regions and promote dialogue among themselves. PROJECT GOAL To contribute to the Economic Empowerment of the Gambian Youth and building capacities thereby reducing illegal migration, Teenage Pregnancy Unemployment, Drug and alcohol abuse, Rural Urban migration to the barest minimum level. PROJECT OBJECTIVES: These objectives will strengthen community participation in national development. To give the community the opportunity to interact and discuss about their problemsand chart the way forward in addressing those problems. To sensitize the Gambian population on the ramifications of illegal migration andthereby discouraging potential illegal youth migration at all levels by using thecommunity Radio Stations. INPUT Transmitter, Mask (Antenna) ,Tape desk, Amplifier, Computer set and printers, Furniture Air conditioner and Fax machine OUT PUT Young people access valuable information on the temporary issues that affect the development and progress of young people in national development. The communities will have access to information through the community Radios. The community Radio Stations will enhance the regional communities in access and dissemination of information to all. The project is estimated at an amount of one million three hundred and sixty one thousand two hundred and twenty (1,361,220.00) dalasis only FINANCIAL IMPLICATION (BUDGET) ITEMS QUANTITY UNIT COST AMOUNT Transmitter 2 370,000.00 740,000.00 Mask (Antenna) 2 168,750.00 337,500.00 Tape desk 4 2,000.00 8,000.00 Amplifier 4 4,000.00 16,000.00 Computer set and printers 2 40,000.00 80,000.00 Furniture 2 7000 14,000.00 Air conditioner 2 10,000 20,000.00 CD Desk 4 2,000.00 8,000.00 Field recorder 4 30,000.00 120,000.0 Canon Head (XLR Connector) 8 90.00 720,00.00 Feeder cable lOOmetres 90.00 9,000.00 fax 2 4,000 8,000.00 GRAND TOTAL - - 1,361,220.00 THE REPUBLIC OF THE GAMBIA   Department of State for Youth & Sports The Quadrangle Banjul. MT 223/02/Part.3/(8) 5th February 2008 Care Gambia Foundation C/o MR. MAFUGIE MINTEH 31 Sir John Mahoney Street Tobacco Road Banjul, the Gambia SUBMISSION OF SPORTS COOPERATION AGREEMENT AND REQUEST FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A COMMUNITY RADIO STATION IN CENTRAL RIVER REGION AND LOWER RIVER REGION This is in reference to our discussion during your Organization's courtesy Visit to the Secretary of State for Youth and Sports MR. MASS AXI GYE. in this regard I have the honour to submit to your office a sports cooperation agreement and a project proposal for the establishment of a Community Radio Station in Central River Region and Lower River Region. We are grateful for your organization's invaluable contribution to the socio-economic development of the Gambian people.   EBOU mj. JOOF ACTING'PERMANENT SECRETARY Tel: 4225265/4225264 Fax: 4225267 Telex: 22O4 Email: dosyas@qanetgm