
Online collectebus voor Greenpeace

...Ipsos will be taking part in the Business Fives charity event here in Amsterdam. We will be going up against companies in various 5-a-side matches. The Business Fives commitment, 10% of our event revenue goes to charity. This is put into a charity pot from entry fees and sponsorship with the overall winners and runners up at our National Final deciding the destination of our donation. So we are playing for this 10%!

On top of this we are also looking to donate regardless of our potential success. As a team, we chose to donate for Greenpeace, an important entity in the fight against climate change. As a reminder to show their good cause; their overall mission is to 1) protect biodiversity in all its forms, 2) prevent pollution and abuse of the earth’s ocean, land, air and fresh water, 3) end all nuclear threats, and 4) promote peace, global disarmament and non-violence. We believe as Ipsos, we have a strong right to play in this conversation, and what better to do so than with a donation!

Greenpeace logo 2


Dankzij jouw steun pakken we klimaatverandering, ontbossing en plastic in onze oceanen aan bij de bron. We accepteren geen geld van overheden en bedrijven, waardoor we 100% onafhankelijk kunnen blijven opereren. Verantwoording dragen we alleen af aan de mensen die ons steunen, zoals jij.

Samen met onze supporters hebben we er al voor gezorgd dat:

  • Het kwetsbare Amazone Rif is beschermd tegen olieboringen
  • Shell is gestopt met boren in het Noordpoolgebied
  • De EU een verbod heeft ingesteld op 3 bij-onvriendelijkebestrijdingsmiddelen
  • Er statiegeld is gekomen op kleine plastic flesjes én op blik

Doe je mee? Doneer nu!

Ps. Mocht je direct aan Greenpeace willen doneren, dat kan ook! Ga dan naar: doemee.greenpeace.nl/doneren/

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dakje met Geef-logo
€ 287 collectedThe total amount is updated every 10 minutes. Did you just donate? It's possible that your donation hasn't been counted yet. Don't worry, it will be fine!
of € 500



days left

hart Donate now
The proceeds of this campaign go to this charity:


Who do you like to donate to?
Nathan Kellerhals
Nathan Kellerhals

€ 287,75 collected