Babs Wubbels

Safe Amazon wildlife -Donate to Merazonia Animal Releases

Merazonia is a transparent, Dutch run rescue and rehabilitation centre for trafficked wildlife in the Ecuadorian Amazon rain forest.

All donations will be used to rehablitation projects for animals such as the Ali the sloth pictured above (buying tacking equipment, training them for a life back in the wild). Making sure they are ready and making sure they are safe when free.

Merazonia has a small but steady team of passionate and knowledgeable people. They are responsable for creating a high percentage of released animals compared to other places in the world.

Merazonia is a grassroots organization and transparant: all donation are 100% used for the wellfare of the animals!

Become a part of it! Donate (tax deductable!) or inquire about volunteering!

Babs Wubbels
Babs Wubbels

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of € 5.000



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Babs Wubbels
Babs Wubbels

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