
Humanitarain aid to Nepal

Nederlands (English version below): Help ons bij het verstrekken van humanitaire steun aan Nepal: 

Op 31 maart 2019 werd Nepal getroffen door een hevige regenbui. De effecten hiervan zijn grootschalig zichtbaar en meerdere dorpen ten zuiden van Kathmandu zijn verwoest. De lokale bevolking heeft dringend basisbenodigdheden, medische zorg, onderdak en voedsel nodig.

GHRD Nepal heeft een team van artsen paraat die momenteel worden ingezet. Om zo snel en effectief mogelijk op deze crisis te reageren, hebben zij extra medicijnen en medische hulpmiddelen nodig. Daarnaast is er een tekort aan voedsel, kleding, en schoon water voor de bevolking in de getroffen gebieden.

Help ons bij het ophalen van € 3000, zodat GHRD Nepal de getroffen gebieden kan voorzien van gepaste zorg, voedsel, water en kleding.

Zie hieronder het uitgebreide verhaal in het Engels.


English: Help us to provide humanitarain aid to Nepal:

Nepal was struck by a heavy rainstorm during the night of the 31 March 2019. Concrete numbers are yet to be revealed, but news agencies estimate that there are at least 31 deaths and 400 injuries.[1] These numbers are only expected to rise during the coming days. The storm has hit multiple villages to the south of Kathmandu, leaving a trail of destruction. Currently, both the army as well as the national police are trying to rescue as many people as possible.[2] As people are injured and houses and land have been destroyed, there is an urgent need for medical care as well as food, clothes, clean water and shelter.

It is for this reason that GHRD has started this fundraising campaign. GHRD Nepal has a group of doctors available who need supplies and medicine to respond to this crisis as rapidly and effectively as possible. Additionally, food, clothes, clean water and shelter necessary for  survival needs to be provided to the affected areas. As GHRD Nepal is locally active, they are capable to indicate what is specifically needed in order to help as adequately as possible. The money will thus be directly used and allocated to where it is most needed.

As this crisis happened very recently and is affecting such a large group of people and their daily lives,  aid is needed as soon as possible. This to save lives as well as repair the destruction.

GHRD has now set their goal on 3000€, which is based on a calculation of the total cost of the most basic medical supplies, food and clothes needed in the affected area. Of course, as the number of injuries continues to rise, the more we raise the more we can be of help.


[1] Aljazeera, ‘Dozens killed as storm hit southern Nepal’ (1 April 2019) <https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2019/04/scores-killed-storm-hits-southern-nepal-190401023434159.html> accessed at 2 April 2019; Bhadra Sharma, ‘Nepal Storm Kills Dozens and Injures Hundreds’ (The New York Times, 1 April 2019) < https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/01/world/asia/nepal-storm-dead.html> accessed at 2 April 2019
[2] Ibid

Global Human Rights Defence
24-04-2019 14:46

24 April 2019, The Hague – NEPAL: It has been 24 days since a deadly storm hit the Bara and Parsa districts of Nepal, which demolished approximately 2,400 houses and rendered many people homeless. Some of the affected families are still lacking food and shelter. Global Human Rights Defence (GHRD) The Hague started a crowdfunding campaign to raise money for GHRD Nepal, whom is able to help the victims locally.

Yesterday, the GHRD head office in The Hague received a report from our chapter in Nepal, whose staff has been working around the clock to provide medical aid, food, clothes and shelter to those affected by the storm. Sukomal Bhattarai, member of the GHRD team reported to us today from Pheta in the Parsa District, where GHRD is active to provide relief aid.

GHRD Nepal made efforts to assess the damage and provide adequate help, as soon as the storm subsided. Food and tents were immediately brought to the affected areas and plans were put in motion together with GHRD The Hague to arrange a medical camp for victims. The Mayor of Parsa and the Chief District Office approved the relief aid, and on the 17th of April the medical camp opened. Ms. Sukomal tells us that the storm was a devastating natural calamity that left thousands of people homeless. ‘’To witness the condition these people were put in from up-close was heartbreaking,’’ he says.  Ms. Sukomal and her team, consisting of her colleges from the Nepal Medical College rented a van and drove to Parsa district along with the necessary relief aid and medical supplies. Getting there was quite a hustle, as he storm destructed part of the roads.

The relief aid consisted of school bags with notepads, pens, pencils and caps for 100 children, in order for them to resume their education as soon as possible. These supplies were handed out at the nearest intact school facility. Ms. Sukomal and her team immediately conducted general health checks upon arrival, and if in need victims received medicine tailored to their condition and with proper instruction on its use.

After two days of hard work, the health camp was completed. ‘’The people were very thankful for the help, and especially grateful for the supplies we brought for their children,’’ Ms. Sukomal says. ‘’We believe the camp was successful, it was an overwhelming experience but to be able to help those people was an honour. I would like to thank GHRD on behalf of the medical team in Nepal for the financial support for this camp. It is only when we come together that we can positively rebuild the affected communities. We hope to be able to help more people in the days to come.’’

GHRD The Hague is grateful for the funds that have been donated through the crowdfunding campaign. Furthermore, we are proud of the perseverance of members of GHRD Nepal who continue to provide assistance and aid to those in need. Although the medical camp is completed, more support is needed to continue rebuilding the lives of those affected by this storm.

As said by Ms. Sukomal, together we can achieve more. Please share this campaign.

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