Rawaa Kilani

Help stray animals


Our registered charity catconnect.nl - animals syria exists to rescue animals in war-torn syria, we work with abused and injured animals, organize spay/neuter campaigns, enable international adoption of syrian animals, feed colonies of feral cats, we provide specialized medications otherwise unavailable locally, among many other services.

the continuity of our work depends on your generous donations, aside from our routine work, we are currently treating a cat hit by a car, and another that lost her arm after being dragged by a rope behind a motorcycle, and a dog severely affected by a failed neutering surgery, all three require veterinary care in clinics in neighboring lebanon which is quite expensive.

please donate to help transform the lives of countless syrian animals. 🐶🐱


We have some amazing transformations, the latest one is Anbar, found on the street, sick and deaf, we took him to 3 vets till he got the medical treatment he needed. Now temporarily living in a foster home with a dog and 20 other cats.

Thanks to recent donations to our foundation and the effort of sharing his story on facebook, we managed to find him a forever home in Belguim where he will be going soon.

Rawaa Kilani
17-06-2022 13:59

Dear animal lovers! We made a new  special crowdfunding for the rescue of 4 cats! 

we are very greatfull that you guys helped us out so far, but unfortunalty our wallet is empty and the last donation trough geef was 16 days ago (see last donation on first of june 2022) want to support the special crowndfunding for Sara, Sheehab, Roni and Sally. 

Click the link below and you will be directed to their own crowdfunding page. https://www.geef.nl/nl/actie/rescue-of-4-cats/donateurs


Thank you so much! Bless you.❤️️🐱

Team animals Syria0Catconnect

Rawaa Kilani
10-01-2020 11:18

Dear helpers, 


We would like to thank you for all the donation we got from you and because of that we could give the cats and dogs in the warzone of Syria the medical treatment they needed. Also parts of the donation is used to let cats and dog fly to their new forever homes! 

It lightens our hearts to see that a total of 74 people donated trough this platform and helped the animals in need, without anything in return. 

As long as there are animals in need, we will continue with our work for as long as our hearts beat. 

Once again, thank you so much and bless you all.

Team animals Syria/ Catconnect. 


Rawaa Kilani
23-07-2019 19:19

Working on a operation to get three cats to fly to the Eu! the more donations we get, the faster we can make them ready for the flight and eventually buy a ticket to for a better life! please help us to help them! 


Thank you! 

Rawaa Kilani
14-01-2019 23:21
Anbar has been adopted and lives with his mom in Belguim! i can't thank you enough for donating and make it happen for them who can't speak or seek help for themselfs!
Rawaa Kilani
23-12-2018 20:32
amazing transformation. before and after pic of lovely mister Anbar.! (L) https://www.facebook.com/reneeCat3131
Rawaa Kilani
23-12-2018 20:11
Amazing transformation Anbar!
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Rawaa Kilani
Rawaa Kilani

€ 23.683,47 collected