Crelis Rammelt

An ambulance for our community clinic

In 2011, we were granted support from the Japan Government to establish a community clinic in the district of Munshiganj, Bangladesh. With this clinic we will provide a range of health care services to the most vulnerable sections of the population. We are currently looking for funds to purchase an ambulance for the transportation of patients. For many years, we have worked to provide safe water to communities affected by arsenic contaminated drinking water. This crisis has been referred to as the largest mass poisoning of a population in history. We found that access to arsenic-free sources is not enough to counteract the many years of intoxication. Better nutrition and medicine can help the body to get rid of the accumulated arsenic. The clinic and the ambulance will help support this work. We are active in areas spread out over the district and will continue to expand into new communities thanks to our sponsors and to recent additional funding from WaterAid. Please see below for our 4-minutes video message about this campaign. For donations, please click on the blue "DONEER NU" button above and select your payment option. On the following page you will be able to select the English language option at the bottom of the page. Alternatively, please share this campaign with friends and colleagues. We are very grateful for your support.
Arsenic Mitigation and Research Foundation logo 2

Arsenic Mitigation and Research Foundation

NEDERLANDS In Bangladesh drinken miljoenen armen drinkwater verontreinigd met arsenicum. Hoewel het probleem werd beschreven als de ergste massa vergiftiging in de geschiedenis, is er weinig bereikt om het op te lossen. Van de weinige projecten die worden uitgevoerd, zijn er nog minder erin geslaagd om de armen te bereiken en om duurzame voorzieningen voor drinkwater en gezondheidszorg te implementeren. Onze stichting richt zich op een geïntegreerde en participatieve programma dat onderzoek met projectactiviteiten verbindt op een manier die de prioriteiten van de lokale gemeenschappen weerspiegelt. ENGELS In Bangladesh, millions of rural poor are currently drinking water that is contaminated with high levels of arsenic. Although the problem was described as the worst mass poisoning in history, little has been achieved to resolve it. Among the few projects that are being implemented, even fewer have managed to reach the poor and to implement water supplies and health support provisions that last. The urgent and complex character of the arsenic crisis requires an integrated and participatory program that links research with project activities in a manner that reflects the priorities of local communities.

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Crelis Rammelt

€ 7.999,66 collected