
Radio Dabanga

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Radio Dabanga is a Sudanese radio station in exile, broadcasting from the Netherlands to Sudan since its start in 2008. The station reaches over 3.3 million people a day through shortwave radio, satellite television, our website and social media. Dabanga provides its audiences daily with independent, unbiased news and information. In local Arabic, so that everyone in Sudan can understand the updates.

Right to know

Dabanga’s audiences are not only vast but also diverse: the station reaches city folk, villagers and herdsmen, people living in conflict areas like Darfur and South Kordofan, internally displaced people, refugees, youth and women …. basically, all Sudanese living in Sudan, but also those living abroad. Dabanga believes that all of them have the right to know what the situation is in their country regarding for example human rights, war and (gender-based) violence, health risks from infectious diseases like cholera. They have the right to hear and read what they can do to protect themselves from harm and hazards.

Right to be heard

Dabanga also believes that people also have the right to be heard. On all issues, ranging from political and economic matters to violent events and health risks and good governance and future development of Sudan. Dabanga asks its audiences to share their experiences and opinions and literally gives everyone a voice.

People rely on Dabanga

Though operating from exile, far away, Dabanga is often the first to know about emerging events and trends in Sudan. People from all over Sudan reach out to Dabanga to share news and their stories. Dabanga verifies the news carefully before broadcasting. That is why already for a decade, people in Sudan can rely on the news and information of Radio Dabanga, every day. Whether about conflict, peace-building, deadly diseases or people locating their missing family members, Dabanga is the go-to station.

Radio Dabanga has to operate from exile. Independent news, being critical on government policies or covering topics that are not to the taste of the country’s leadership can result in all kinds of problems, ranging from bans on publication to physical maltreatment and prison sentences. Dabanga reports where media in the country cannot.

Your support

Your support can help us continue making the difference in the lives of millions of Sudanese relying on Radio Dabanga for life-saving information.

If you donate and want one of the rewards as set out on https://gogetfunding.com/radio-dabanga/ please send an message to info@radiodabanga.org. We add your donation here to the overall Total on GoGetFunding this month and the total as you see on Geef.nl is displayed as 'Raised offline'.  

More information about Radio Dabanga can be found here.


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